MetaMask gives us the ability to access decentralized applications (dApps) while offering a form of authentication using the MetaMask wallet. It provides a one-click secure login flow that allows us to access the blockchain resources using ethers on the front end. MetaMask abstracts delicate processes like signing transactions while interacting with the blockchain, and provides your MetaMask’s public address to the application.By understanding MetaMask error codes ,developers can effectively diagnose and resolve issues encountered by users, leading to smoother interactions with decentralized applications.

As developers, we often encounter errors while building dApps with MetaMask. Unfortunately, MetaMask’s documentation doesn’t always provide clear explanations for these errors.

When encountering errors with MetaMask or any other development tool, it’s important to approach troubleshooting systematically. Here are some techniques and information that can help you solve MetaMask error codes:

1. Identify Error Codes- Understand the specific error code provided by MetaMask.

2. Consult Documentation and Communities- Check MetaMask’s official docs and online developer forums for solutions.

3. Review Code and Configuration- Double-check for typos, correct configurations, and dependencies.

4. Verify Network Settings- Ensure MetaMask is connected to the correct network (e.g., mainnet, testnet).

5. Manage Gas Settings- Set appropriate gas limit and gas price for transactions.

6. Check Browser Compatibility- Use a supported browser and watch for conflicts with other extensions.

7. Implement Error Handling- Provide clear error messages in your dApp and monitor for recurring issues.

To help, I’ve put together a list of common errors and their meanings, making it easier for both developers and users to understand what went wrong.

You can quickly find specific error codes below:


When trying to connect to the wallet, if a user clicks “Cancel” at any point on this interface and terminates the process, it returns a 4001 error.

Here’s the JSON structure of the error:

‘4001’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1193’,

message: ‘User rejected the request.’,


MetaMask offers two methods: restricted and unrestricted. These methods empower dApps to perform actions such as connecting to the wallet, signing transactions, and managing networks.

This error is triggered when attempting to use methods that MetaMask doesn’t support:

import { ethers } from “ethers”;

const accounts = await ethereum.request({

method: “eth_requestAccounts”,


const address = accounts[0];

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum);

const signer = provider.getSigner();

const signature = await signer.signMessage(address);



Likewise, when you want to change the blockchain network of your MetaMask wallet, you utilize the wallet_switchEthereumChain method, which prompts for permission via the MetaMask extension:


// Code for switching the chain with the MetaMask wallet

await provider.request({

method: “wallet_switchEthereumChain”,

params: [{ chainId: “0x89” }],


If the user denies permission, MetaMask returns this error:

‘4100’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1193’,

message: ‘The requested account and/or method has not been authorized by the user.’,



Error 4200 occurs when attempting to use methods that aren’t supported by MetaMask:

‘4200’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1193’,

message: ‘The requested method is not supported by this Ethereum provider.’,



Error 4900 indicates that the user’s MetaMask wallet isn’t connected to any blockchain:

‘4900’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1193’,

message: ‘The provider is disconnected from all chains.’,


This error is typically triggered by the disconnect event, signifying that the wallet can’t submit requests to a blockchain due to disconnection or network issues. To resolve, reconnect to the chain by reloading the page or check connection status with ethereum.isConnected() method.


Error 4901 occurs when the user is not connected to the correct blockchain for a transaction. For example, if the transaction requires the Polygon chain but the user is connected to Harmony or Ethereum blockchain.

To handle changes in the connected chain, you can listen for the chainChanged event:

ethereum.on(‘chainChanged’, (chainId) => {console.log(chainId)});

If the provider becomes unable to submit RPC requests to the specified chain, it returns this error:

‘4901’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1193’,

message: ‘The provider is disconnected from the specified chain.’,



Error -32700 is returned when the user sends an incomplete request object to the contract. This could happen if the object sent to the contract doesn’t contain all the required data.

‘-32700’: {

standard: ‘JSON RPC 2.0’,

message: ‘Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.’,



Error -32600 indicates that the JSON object is valid, but its structure or properties are incorrect.

‘-32600’: {

standard: ‘JSON RPC 2.0’,

message: ‘The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.’,



Error -32601 is returned if the specified method does not exist.

‘-32601’: {

standard: ‘JSON RPC 2.0’,

message: ‘The method does not exist / is not available.’,



Error -32602 occurs if the arguments passed into an RPC method are incorrect.

‘-32602’: {

standard: ‘JSON RPC 2.0’,

message: ‘Invalid method parameter(s).’,



Error -32603 is a general error caused by various issues, such as adding the wrong chain data, insufficient tokens to pay gas fees, or not having the latest version of MetaMask.

‘-32603’: {

standard: ‘JSON RPC 2.0’,

message: ‘Internal JSON-RPC error.’,



Error 32000 typically occurs when the contract address used in production is the same as the contract deployed on the testnet. This mistake is straightforward to correct.

In dApp development, similar to Web2 practices with separate development and production environments, we utilize testnets to deploy contracts for testing without using real ETH on the mainnet. Consequently, the same contract deployed on both the testnet and mainnet will have distinct addresses. If you mistakenly use the wrong address for the current chain, this error will be returned.

When working with smart contracts, essential parameters include the contract address, ABI file, and your signer:

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum);

const signer = provider.getSigner();

const countContract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, contractABI, signer);


* Call the getAllCount method from your Smart Contract


const count = await countContract.getAllCount()

If any of these parameters are incorrect, you’re likely to encounter this error, also known as a “user input error”:

‘-32000’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Invalid input.’,



Error 32001 occurs when the requested resource does not exist on the blockchain. This could be due to a typo or an attempt to access a non-existent entity.

For instance, if you’re trying to retrieve information about a block number that doesn’t exist on the Ethereum chain:

import Web3 from ‘web3’;

const web3 = new Web3(web3Provider);

var block = await web3.eth.getBlock({invalid block number})

You would receive this JSON response:

‘-32000’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Invalid input.’,



Error 32002 indicates that the requested resource does exist, but it’s currently unavailable at the time of the request. This can occur when trying to access a resource that’s already in use, such as switching chains on MetaMask while it’s in the process of doing the same. To prevent this, consider disabling the button once the method has been initiated to avoid quick successive clicks.

‘-32002’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Resource unavailable.’,



Error 32003 can result from various issues, including non-existent sender’s address, insufficient funds, locked account, or inability to sign the transaction. Ensure all transaction details are correct to resolve this.

‘-32003’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Transaction rejected.’,



Error 32004 indicates that the method is not supported, possibly due to non-existence or a typographical error.

‘-32004’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Method not supported.’,



Error 32005 signifies that the RPC provider has a rate limit that has been exceeded. This can happen if the RPC provider endpoint has a limit for the number of requests.

‘-32005’: {

standard: ‘EIP-1474’,

message: ‘Request limit exceeded.’,


Additionally, the “intrinsic gas too low” error commonly occurs when the gas limit assigned during transaction initiation is less than what is required, particularly in complex transactions. Ensure an adequate gas limit is provided to avoid this issue.

This typically happens in situations involving intricate transactions, leading to unpredictable gas fees.



method: ‘eth_sendTransaction’,

params: [


from: accounts[0],

to: ‘0xbCfDCCDbE7B3D681A1144D25a31e0D4BE869079a’,

value: ‘0x293434x341af62c0000’,

gasPrice: ‘0x09184e242’,

gas: ‘0x2709’,

gasLimit: ‘0x2723’




.then((txHash) => console.log(txHash))

.catch((error) => console.error);


Throughout our discussion, we addressed various potential errors and provided strategies for handling them. Understanding these issues will make your developer experience smoother with Web3 tech. For further insights into MetaMask errors, refer to the official resource.

About Blocsys:

Blocsys is a leading blockchain development and consulting firm established in 2021, specializing in DefiNFT, and smart contracts, Blocsys offers a comprehensive range of services from initial business analysis to final product delivery, all while adhering to the highest testing standards. Our team comprises highly skilled blockchain developers and innovators who are prepared to tackle any challenge to drive your project forward.

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